Celebrating Me } Boudoir Photography Pink Blush.
A story of transformation into loving herself. Hear about how Miss G changed her life and celebrated herself through the power of Boudoir photography.
People sometimes ask me if ever get board of shooting boudoir, and I have to say that “no, I never do”, and it’s because of women like Miss G. This amazing woman came to me last fall to celebrate herself and her transformative journey. From the moment I met her I felt her powerful confident energy. That kind of energy you feel off a woman who has been through her own version of hell and who has crawled her way out. I couldn’t wait to do her shoot after our initial meeting at her consultation, and Im so excited to present her images to you now. Here is Miss G’s Amazing story.
“The past few years have been a journey of self-discovery for me. My marriage ended, and I was facing an uncertain future. I had already started focusing on becoming healthier, but my confidence was almost non-existent. I had lost my individual identity and knew I needed to rediscover who I was.
I made the effort to eat better, workout with a trainer at the gym, and put myself first. Over the course of 3 years I saw a dramatic weight loss and became happier and rejuvenated. I was finding joy in life and being who I was meant to be. I noticed that as I loved myself more, the energy I was putting out into the world was more positive and others were noticing this too. I felt like a whole new person.
As my confidence grew, I could feel my female power come to the forefront. I never really thought of myself as sexy or truly beautiful, but something awoke within me. I wanted to explore this feeling and embrace this energy. I also knew that I was doing this for myself and not for others, so that has was a huge boost to my ego and confidence.
I started looking into different ways to express this new found confident energy and boudoir photos seemed to just check all the boxes. Here was a way I could embrace my body, my sexuality, my femininity, and my confidence, and not feel afraid to be who I truly was. I researched various photography studios throughout the city and decided that Pink Blush Boudoir’s values and feminine energy was aligned with mine. I knew that they could help me embrace all that I was becoming or had always been as a woman and really let myself feel sexy and empowered. I was also just a few weeks away from my 38th birthday, and this seemed like the perfect birthday present to my new self!
Sarina made me feel comfortable with my decision, right from the start. The initial consult was so moving and empowering that I actually cried as I “unpacked” my story and reasons for wanting to do boudoir photos. I knew that I was going to be part of something amazing and couldn’t wait to have my session.
Everything about the session, from the hair and makeup, to the photos, to the great conversation during the shoot, just left me feeling strong and confident and sexy. This was a dream come true!
I can honestly say that I was a bit nervous when it was time to actually review the photos to choose which I wanted, but that was only because I had never really seen myself through someone else’s eyes and didn’t know what to expect. As soon as I saw the preview slide show, I knew that any fear or nervousness was unfounded. Again I cried, as there I was, looking confident, sexy, and gorgeous, and I just knew this was who I was all along. I was in awe! The photos were amazing and it was so hard to choose which ones I wanted. The ones I did choose all are phenomenal and I currently have 4 of them framed and up in my apartment. Everyone that sees them are blown away and asks where I had them done and why, so I tell my story.
I did this for me, no one else. But I am proud to share my journey with others. We all need to learn to love ourselves first and discover who we are, before we can share that love with others. And any time I feel my confidence shake, I just look at those photos, and know that I am good enough, strong enough, and right where I am meant to be.”
~Miss G

The Transformation of Miss Bruni } Pink Blush Boudoir Edmonton Photography
Client boudoir testimonial for Pink Blush Boudoir Edmonton.
Over the years of being in the business of boudoir I have had the opportunity to photography many women who are documenting a weight loss journey, and in this case Miss Smith’s transformation included an impressive amount of personal growth. It truly is amazing what a person can achieve with hard work, dedication and real honesty with themselves. I was so excited to photograph Miss Bruni for the 3rd time this year and show her how much she has grown in confidence and sexuality. The physical changes are noticeable too, but sometimes they aren’t the most relevant. Her is what she had to say about her experience and journey.
“For me, this photoshoot was a magical experience. My life and my body have changed drastically over the last year. I have focused on health and my body has transformed after hours in the gym lifting weights and changes to my diet. My personal life changed radically as well in that time. I have embraced and incorporated my true energy and aura about me that includes a whole lot of fire and sexuality.
I began this exploration a year ago when Sarina captured me then. I was just coming into my own confidence and body after 2 children and ending a long marriage.
The experience of this shoot is a culmination of the changes I have made and embracing that sensual fire. Sarina was able to capture both my new inner essence and the difference in my body to fully express the woman I continue to become. One full of passion, light, and femininity. She made me comfortable, made me laugh, and made me smolder when I needed to. The resulting pictures are breathtaking. I am grateful to her for continuing to document my journey and to shoot the most beautiful pictures that have ever been taken of me.” Miss Bruni

Boudoir Photography Edmonton Pink Blush } Miss A Feather Light Soul
A Feather Light Soul. Boudoir Photography Edmonton. All female staff.
“The best way to have a feather light soul is to keep letting go.”
Holding onto resentment will only hold you back. Whether it’s the guy that cut you off in traffic or an ex who cheated on you, holding on to negative emotions towards anyone or any circumstance will only prevent you from moving forward. Forgiveness is rarely about the other person it’s about you. If you want a truly blissful life your goal in all your affairs should be to act with tolerance, patients, kindness, and love.
i have had some recent revelations myself on this matter. Over the past two years I have really been working on taking better care of my health, but there has been a few things I just cant seem to fix. Like quitting smoking and staying quit. I finally had to come to terms with the fact that part of the reason I smoke is because of anger and resentments I still carry. By doing the work to heal these issues Im finally feeling free from this nagging addiction.
I always have client who tell me they will do a boudoir shoot once they loose a few pounds, and one of the best ways to do that is to start with dropping the emotional weight. The scale might not physically move but you will feel lighter instantly. My best advice is to look at your life through honest eyes. If you have an issue or issues that are really weighing you down, try to reevaluate the issue with tolerance, patients, kindness, and love. Take a look at the situation without judgment, define what role you played in that situation, learn what you need to learn from it. Maybe you need to apologize to someone, maybe you need to forgive someone else or yourself, maybe you just need to visualize how you will do things differently in the future. But when your done with your evaluation you must then let it go. it’s one of the best weight loss tips out there and it wont cost you a dime or a minute of gym time.
A woman can not be a soaring flowing creating bad ass if she’s being pinned down with a bunch of resentment and anger. Next time you find yourself holding on to something negative. Ask yourself, do I want to flow and continue to create the life I want, or do I want to be stuck in this pit of blame and fear? It doesn’t matter who upset you, or what, or how. It only matter how you handle it because that is the only thing in life you have any control over. Now take a deep breath and let it go.
Namaste my beautiful flowing bad ass ladies.
Fitness Motivation } Pink Blush Boudoir Photography Edmonton YEG
Boudoir Calgary
If you looking for some awesome fitness motivation I highly recommend this fit chick. Corrie is a national level fitness competitor and trainer. She lives and breaths fitness and nutrition. You can find her on instagram @team2BFA or @cor_fitnesss. Corrie is also an international fitness model so there is never a shortage of stunning shots on her page.
Here are some motivating words from Corrie-Lynn
Motivation is not magic. It does not come in a bottle. There is no little blue pill for it. But it’s something you can tap into by design then harness..
1. Set a goal and visualize it down to the most minute detail. See it, feel it, hear the sounds that accompany the end result. Elite athletes visualize their performance ahead of time — right down to the smell of the sweat dripping down their face as they cross the finish line
2. Make a list of the reasons you want to accomplish the goal. In our busy, distracting world, it’s easy to get blown off course. This is why you need to ground yourself in your goal. For extra “success insurance,” write your list with a pen.
3. Break the goal down into smaller pieces and set intermediary targets — and rewards. To me it’s the best Tony Robbins, arguably the foremost motivational speaker and personal development coach, says: “A major source of stress in our lives comes from the feeling that we have an impossible number of things to do. If you take on a project and try to do the whole thing all at once, you’re going to be overwhelmed
Romance } Pink Blush Boudoir Edmonton
Boudoir Edmonton
In the early stages of a relationship it is so easy to have romantic dates and jesters that keep your heart fluttering for more. That all starts to fade after the honeymoon faze and real life sets back in. In our everyday lives we have job, house work, children to tend and often our relationships with ourselves and with our partners lack the attention they need. It takes effort to keep the feeling of passion alive years into a relationship. Boudoir is a perfect way to help spice things back up for you and your partner. It can give a woman some much needs self love time and her partner will enjoy it too. If your looking for a new way to add back in some romance email us for more information on how to book a shoot.
Here are some lovely images of Miss A.
Ladies Support Other Women } Pink Blush Boudoir Photography Edmonton YEG
If find it all too common that women are very quick to judge or put each other down. I understand that not everyone is always going to like everyone else, but since women in this world have it hard enough as it is, I can't justify putting another women down. I might not always agree with another woman's actions or choices, but I try to understand that everyone has their reasons.
I was never a popular girl in school, and often felt threatened by other girls. Usually for things like talking to a boy, or even just for being friends with one. This was something that I struggled with a lot, since I found it hard to be friends with girls, and the guys where easier to hangout with. When I was in grade 11, my then boyfriend cheated on me with a girl from school. I remember everyone expecting me to hate this girl because she made out with my boyfriend, but I knew exactly how being hated on by other women made me feel. I also knew that it was my boy friend who did the wrong doing, not her. I didn't feel the need to make best friends with this girl, but I also saw no use in rubbing her face in her actions. She had her reasons for making out with a guy she knew had a girlfriend; most likely, those reasons came from a place of low self value. Instead of being angry I tried to forgive her, and accept that she had her own struggles.
I wish more women could treat each other this way. Instead of pointing out every fault or trying to bring another woman down so you can feel better. Try to see that the woman you are judging, disrespecting or putting down has a heavy enough load. Maybe with a little compassion, we might all be able to make healthier life choices. Maybe by having each others backs instead of stabbing them, we can join forces and be a powerful example for our children. Considering every human was created by a woman, that could create a pretty powerful change.
Here are some photos of the Lovely Miss D to help brighten the day..
How to Be Sexy } Pink Blush Boudoir Photography Edmonton YEG
It's pretty common that my clients will let me know that they are not sexy, or they don't know how to be sexy. Most women assume you have to look a certain way or be young, but there is so much more to sex appeal then what you look like. Being sexy is more about how you feel about yourself, then it is what you look like. Here are a few tips for "being more sexy":
1) Take care of your body and mind
If you want to feel sexy you need to feel good. Whatever form that happens to take for you; whether it's eating really well, getting your nails done, going out with great friends, eating an entire box of chocolates, you do you. I myself like to eat lots of natural pant based foods, and doing yoga. I also recommend a little Maca Root to help boost your libido but that's just me...
2) Move Slow and Breathe Deep
If you are trying to seduce your partner, try slowing things down. The art of the tease isn't done quickly, you want to leave them waiting, and begging for more. Make sure you remember to breathe. Taking deep breaths will help calm you down and stimulate your nervous system to relax and enjoy.
3) Eye Contact
Looking deeply into your partners eyes with confidence will help get their full attention on you. It also sends a message that you know what you want. Just remember to take breaks and look away. If you stare too long you might just scare him.
4) Do boudoir!
Ok, we are a bit biased here, but we have also heard over and over again from these same clients who "don't know how to be sexy" that doing boudoir has changed that... dramatically.
So, speaking of finding your sexy, here are some lovely photos of Miss C. who found just that after coming to our studio. We absolutely loved having her light up our space and had to share some of her stunning shots (with her permission, of course!)
Gift for Him } Pink Blush Boudoir Edmonton YEG
Wondering what to get your special someone for this coming Holiday season? Look no further. Boudoir is the gift that gives to you and to him. Doing a boudoir shoot is a wonderful way to pamper yourself with a day filled with glamor and self love. Something I think all of us ladies need more of, but it will knock his socks off too. The only thing he will be asking for once he see your photos is a little time with just the two of you. Tomorrow is our last day to take advantage of you $200 special. The session includes a hour shoot, hair and makeup, and 1 fully retouched images. Options to add on more images or Albums are available. Offer ends November 13th 2017. Email us for more information on booking the boudoir special. sarina@pinkblush.ca
Here is what Miss s and to say about her experience with us:
"I thought of doing Boudoir photos for several years but factors like cost and self-image got in the way. Now I am post two babies and not a spring chicken anymore and I wanted to be sure if I were to invest in something like this, I would be happy with the end result. It wasn't until I came across Pink Blush and their work that I knew this was the right choice; I knew they could make me look good and feel good and I was not disappointed. I love that they offer a full service with hair, makeup and photography all in one place. Her home studio is beautiful! I didn't have to worry about anything other than what I would like to wear. My session was with Sarina and I trusted her with everything. I felt more at ease than I expected and walked out of there feeling confident, beautiful and so anxious to see my pictures. I was shocked to be able to view my pictures so soon, only a couple days later and loved so many, making a decision on what to choose was difficult (and I don't often like pictures of myself)! I think it's worth it for every woman to do this (for herself) at least once!"
A Gift for Him } Pink Blush Boudoir Edmonton YEG
Ever wonder what to get the man who has everything? Or maybe your just looking for something that will knock his socks off? Well ladies look no further. Boudoir photos are a wonderful way to treat a man who treats you right. No matter your age or how long you have been together this is the gift he wont want to return. I have had ladies in their 20's, 30"s, 40"s, 50's, 60's, and even in their 70's surprise their man with the gift of Boudoir. Past clients have used their boudoir photos as a wedding gift, anniversary present, birthday gift and some just because.
What ever your reason there is always fun ways to personalize the gift even further by wearing one of his shirts or maybe a theme that he has a strong interest in. Here are some lovely photos of Miss N to show you just how fun these photos can be.
White Sheets | Edmonton Boudoir
Having trouble coming up with outfit ideas? White sheets are one of our favourite options. They are classic, never go out of style, they fit every body type, and men love the natural beauty too.