Feel Good Boudoir } Miss M

Sometimes in life you just need a little pick me up, whether you are going through a really hard break up, life decision, or are just having a hard time, sometimes a little self care can take you from feeling pretty down to feel more blessed and loved.

Boudoir photography isn’t just for women who want some ‘sexy photos’ for their significant others, yes it can double as a nice added bonus for them, but it is definitely more for yourself and boosting your self confidence, and self awareness as well.

If you are having a hard time in life, you should honestly consider getting boudoir photos of yourself done. We have heard time and time again from clients how liberating and amazing the experience of the photo shoot itself is. That is what we truly pride ourselves in here at Pink Blush, is the experience you will come away with when the shoot is over.

Complimentary consultations are offered to anyone and everyone who is interested in getting photos done, so why not book one and see what all the fuss is about!

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Self Date Night - Just in time for Valentine's Day

Nothing says Self Love quite like a Self Date Night, so here it goes, my list of things to do and treat yourself too tonight.

Were posting our Self Love post one day early and just in time for Valentine’s Day! To all the Ladies out there who have plans this evening with that special someone in their life, have the most fantastic evening! For those of you who don’t have plans, I have come up with the perfect Self Date Night for all of you!

Nothing says Self Love quite like a Self Date Night, so here it goes, my list of things to do and treat yourself too tonight:

1) Health Dinner

Self Love can also come with how you fuel and treat your body, so show yourself some love, stay in, and make yourself a healthy and nutritious dinner! (Don’t worry, there will be cake later ;) )

2) Girly Movie

I love me a good romantic movie! Lounge on the couch for a couple hours and pick a new or old classic favourite movie to watch. I have compiled a small list of movies that I have watched and enjoyed (and they are all on Netflix!)

In no particular order:

1) Crazy Stupid Love
2) Dirty Dancing
3) PS I Love You
4) The Age of Adaline
5) Just Go With it
6) Always Be My Maybe
7) To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before OR Part 2 - To All The Boys PS I Still Love You
8) 50 First Dates

3) Bubble Bath

Nothing says romance like bubbles and relaxing in the bath. Take sometime to yourself and draw yourself a bath.

4) Mug Cake!

I told you there would be cake! Why not treat yourself to something a little sweet for bed. I love a good mug cake, as it’s single serve and that way you don’t over indulge!

Check out this great recipe I’ve tried from Paleo Grubs:

1 TBSP Cacao
1 TBSP Coconut Flour
1/4 TSP Baking Powder
2 TBSP Dark Chocolate Chips (No Sugar Chips if you have ;) )
1 TBSP Melted Coconut Oil
1/2 TBSP Honey
1 Egg
1 TSP Pure Vanilla Extract

Heat the Dark Chocolate Chips in a microwave safe mug till melted. Add in all the wet ingredients and mix. Then add in all the dry ingredients and whisk together. Microwave the batter in the mug for 1-1:30 minutes.

That’s it! Add some berries to the top if you like!

5) Self Love

Lastly before you go to bed, grab yourself a pen and paper, or if you have a journal, and spend a few moments giving yourself some praise. Write down a list of things that you love about yourself, another list about the things that you are proud of about yourself, and another list of things you want to accomplish this year.

That’s all for now folks! Self Love Post Part Three. Enjoy your evening everyone!

- Calie

Also here are some fabulous boudoir images to enjoy!

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Celebrating Me } Boudoir Photography Pink Blush.

A story of transformation into loving herself. Hear about how Miss G changed her life and celebrated herself through the power of Boudoir photography.

People sometimes ask me if ever get board of shooting boudoir, and I have to say that “no, I never do”, and it’s because of women like Miss G. This amazing woman came to me last fall to celebrate herself and her transformative journey. From the moment I met her I felt her powerful confident energy. That kind of energy you feel off a woman who has been through her own version of hell and who has crawled her way out. I couldn’t wait to do her shoot after our initial meeting at her consultation, and Im so excited to present her images to you now. Here is Miss G’s Amazing story.

“The past few years have been a journey of self-discovery for me. My marriage ended, and I was facing an uncertain future. I had already started focusing on becoming healthier, but my confidence was almost non-existent. I had lost my individual identity and knew I needed to rediscover who I was. 

I made the effort to eat better, workout with a trainer at the gym, and put myself first. Over the course of 3 years I saw a dramatic weight loss and became happier and rejuvenated. I was finding joy in life and being who I was meant to be. I noticed that as I loved myself more, the energy I was putting out into the world was more positive and others were noticing this too. I felt like a whole new person.

As my confidence grew, I could feel my female power come to the forefront. I never really thought of myself as sexy or truly beautiful, but something awoke within me. I wanted to explore this feeling and embrace this energy. I also knew that I was doing this for myself and not for others, so that has was a huge boost to my ego and confidence.

I started looking into different ways to express this new found confident energy and boudoir photos seemed to just check all the boxes. Here was a way I could embrace my body, my sexuality, my femininity, and my confidence, and not feel afraid to be who I truly was. I researched various photography studios throughout the city and decided that Pink Blush Boudoir’s values and feminine energy was aligned with mine. I knew that they could help me embrace all that I was becoming or had always been as a woman and really let myself feel sexy and empowered. I was also just a few weeks away from my 38th birthday, and this seemed like the perfect birthday present to my new self!

Sarina made me feel comfortable with my decision, right from the start. The initial consult was so moving and empowering that I actually cried as I “unpacked” my story and reasons for wanting to do boudoir photos. I knew that I was going to be part of something amazing and couldn’t wait to have my session.

Everything about the session, from the hair and makeup, to the photos, to the great conversation during the shoot, just left me feeling strong and confident and sexy. This was a dream come true! 

I can honestly say that I was a bit nervous when it was time to actually review the photos to choose which I wanted, but that was only because I had never really seen myself through someone else’s eyes and didn’t know what to expect. As soon as I saw the preview slide show, I knew that any fear or nervousness was unfounded. Again I cried, as there I was, looking confident, sexy, and gorgeous, and I just knew this was who I was all along. I was in awe! The photos were amazing and it was so hard to choose which ones I wanted. The ones I did choose all are phenomenal and I currently have 4 of them framed and up in my apartment. Everyone that sees them are blown away and asks where I had them done and why, so I tell my story.

I did this for me, no one else. But I am proud to share my journey with others. We all need to learn to love ourselves first and discover who we are, before we can share that love with others. And any time I feel my confidence shake, I just look at those photos, and know that I am good enough, strong enough, and right where I am meant to be.”

~Miss G

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Mirror Love } Self Love Month Pink Blush Boudoir

Have you ever looked in the mirror, looked deep in your eyes and said I love you? Gasp! I know sounds way out there doesn’t it, I mean who would look in the mirror and say I love you to themselves? Wouldn’t that be conceited? I wouldn’t want to sound high on myself, OMG what if someone saw me.

Have you ever looked in the mirror, looked deep in your eyes and said I love you? Gasp!

I know sounds way out there doesn’t it, I mean who would look in the mirror and say I love you to themselves? Wouldn’t that be conceited? I wouldn’t want to sound high on myself, OMG what if someone saw me.

This is a practice that I have shared with many of our clients over the last year, it was passed on to me from the lovely Geha, at Wellness on Whyte. I find it to be a powerful tool in helping women shifting from a fear mentality to a love mentality when it comes to how they view themselves.

It’s a simple little practice, you can literally do it when you are getting ready in the morning so there are no excuses and it can start to ignite some powerful changes. All you have to do is look in the mirror deep into your eyes and say I love you. It will feel uncomfortable at first, but just keep saying it over and over until it starts feeling comfortable and someday it will hopefully feel natural.

You can also boost up this practice by adding in 3 things you love about yourself, 3 things you forgive yourself for and 3 things you promise to do moving forward. This little minute technique can totally shift you mind set and help you start your day feeling more empowered, a little lighter, and with a little more focus.

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February is Self Love Month } Pink Blush Boudoir Photography

Let’s make February self love month! With February revolving around Valentine’s Day, I think it’s fitting to make it a self love month.  Valentine’s Day is meant to show the people you love some love, so why not show yourself a little love too.  

Let’s make February self love month!

With February revolving around Valentine’s Day, I think it’s fitting to make it a self love month.  Valentine’s Day is meant to show the people you love some love, so why not show yourself a little love too.  

I’ve been having a hard time coming up with things to write about on our blog. As most of you know (or can tell from my other blog posts), I am not a writer, however, I do my best, and I think this topic will be great for discussions and for furthering our brand and what we truly stand by here at Pink Blush. 

We are obviously boudoir photographers, however, we are in the business of helping people see themselves in a new light.  As much as boudoir photography is about getting ‘sexy’ photos done of yourself, it is a lot about the experience you will receive when you walk through our doors.  I think this is the part that Sarina and myself pride ourselves in most.  

We want women to feel safe and comfortable when they arrive, during their shoot, and after they leave.  We try our best to make sure our studio feels this way for everyone who comes here. We not only want you to feel safe and comfortable, but we want to help you on your path to appreciating yourself and if you will, showing yourself the love and praise you deserve. 

In dedicating this month to Self Love, Sarina and myself will be doing some self love work as well. Feel free to join in and do some of the things we plan on doing, we will share our progress and give you updates every Saturday this month on how it’s going. 

Over the last two years, I myself have been doing a lot of work and trying to show myself some love for change.  For me it was trying to have a more positive outlook on life and myself. Taking care of myself more by working out and changing my diet.  It has been a long road and journey for myself, but in taking so much pride in taking care of myself, it was easier to start to love myself more.  Putting in that extra effort has helped me appreciate myself more, which has led to me opening up and growing as a person.

Your self love journey is important, and will come to you when you need it most.  Of course it will be different for everyone, and you may have already started doing the work, but if you haven’t already it may be time for you to start or to think about starting. 

This week will be step one, and that I think is acceptance that you need to start accepting yourself and treating yourself better.  Hold yourself accountable. That’s where I want everyone to start. I am by no means a professional or leader in self love, I myself could still use some refreshing in this category, so I will be starting from the beginning again too.  Take this time to figure yourself out too, think about what you might want for yourself and for your future.

That’s all for now.



PS in the meantime enjoy some images from Miss K’s shoot I did back in November.

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