Embrace The Allure of Medusa: A Spooky Snake Boudoir Experience Edmonton Photography
Unleash your inner seductress with a Medusa-themed boudoir session featuring real snakes. Discover the history of Medusa's alluring power to captivate and the empowering experience of channeling her essence. Embrace the enchantment of this spooky snake boudoir shoot and indulge in the symbolism of transformation and sensuality. Join us on a bewitching journey to celebrate self-expression and radiate confidence. Embark on a sensual adventure with our Medusa-inspired boudoir blog post.
Welcome, lovely souls! Today, we embark on an ethereal journey into the ancient mythological world of Medusa, one that evokes both awe and mystery. Join me as we explore the fascinating history of Medusa, her captivating ability to seduce, and the empowering experience of channeling her essence during a Medusa-themed boudoir shoot that incorporates real snakes.
In Greek mythology, Medusa was one of the three Gorgon sisters. With her striking serpent mane, she possessed the power to turn anyone who looked directly into her eyes into stone. Medusa's mesmerizing beauty, combined with her formidable abilities, intertwined allure with danger, making her an enigmatic and captivating figure.
Medusa's seductive nature is often overlooked, but it played a significant role in her mythological story. While her petrifying gaze may seem terrifying, it also represents the potent allure and magnetism she possessed. Medusa's ability to draw others towards her, undeniable and irresistible, is what makes her an intriguing figure to channel in a boudoir session.
Incorporating Medusa's energy in a spooky snake-themed boudoir shoot empowers us to tap into her seductive aura. Embracing the role of a modern-day Medusa is a celebration of our sensuality, fearlessness, and the raw power within. With real snakes delicately intertwining around our bodies, we amplify the enchantment, capturing the essence of Medusa herself.
Snakes have a rich symbolic history, often representing transformation, rebirth, and fertility. Incorporating snakes into a Medusa-themed boudoir shoot adds an additional layer of symbolism. As the serpents slither and coil around us, they symbolize empowerment, sensuality, and the shedding of societal expectations.
A spooky snake boudoir session allows us to tap into an otherworldly and bewitching realm. Adorning Medusa-inspired attire, such as flowing black gowns or golden accents reminiscent of ancient Greece, sets the mood for an ethereal and tantalizing experience. With the company of a professional photographer, makeup artists, and trained snake handlers, every moment becomes a testament to the allure and power of Medusa.
By channeling the captivating energy of Medusa, we celebrate self-expression, body positivity, and unapologetic sensuality. The Medusa-themed boudoir session provides a safe space to explore our inner strength and beauty, reminding us that embracing our unique power is an act of liberation.
The Medusa-themed boudoir session, accentuated by the enchanting presence of real snakes, offers an empowering and transformative experience. By connecting with the ancient origins of Medusa's seductive power, we unlock our own allure and embrace the captivating confidence that radiates from within. So, embrace your inner Medusa and embark on a magical journey, capturing the essence of sensuality, empowerment, and fearlessness.
Snake Boudoir sessions can be booked by any of our clients for a small additional fee to pay for the snakes modelling services.
Mom is still sexy } Boudoir Photography Studio Calgary
We always have women warning us before they come for a shoot that they have had children as if that’s something we need to be warned about. Certainly, after babies, our bodies don’t all bounce back the same but that doesn’t mean we aren’t still beautiful and that we can’t be sexy anymore. Being a mom is a gift, and the stretch marks, loose skin, and boobs that lack their once perky form are all part of that gift. Our sexual identity is something that lays deep within us, it’s not on the surface of our skin. Becoming a mom doesn’t mean you get put into a new category of I’m no longer sexually desirable, in fact, it should be the complete opposite and I hope through my work as a boudoir photographer I can help to shift that mentality.
When I think of women who are moms I think loving, warm, strong, giving, resilient, wild, natural, beautiful and sexy. Becoming a mom only adds to the qualities of your womanhood, it’s not meant to take them away from you. Here are some photos of a hot mom who has dedicated her self to helping women connect with their sexy through the art of pole dance. Miss C is an inspiration to moms everywhere.

Celebrating Me } Boudoir Photography Pink Blush.
A story of transformation into loving herself. Hear about how Miss G changed her life and celebrated herself through the power of Boudoir photography.
People sometimes ask me if ever get board of shooting boudoir, and I have to say that “no, I never do”, and it’s because of women like Miss G. This amazing woman came to me last fall to celebrate herself and her transformative journey. From the moment I met her I felt her powerful confident energy. That kind of energy you feel off a woman who has been through her own version of hell and who has crawled her way out. I couldn’t wait to do her shoot after our initial meeting at her consultation, and Im so excited to present her images to you now. Here is Miss G’s Amazing story.
“The past few years have been a journey of self-discovery for me. My marriage ended, and I was facing an uncertain future. I had already started focusing on becoming healthier, but my confidence was almost non-existent. I had lost my individual identity and knew I needed to rediscover who I was.
I made the effort to eat better, workout with a trainer at the gym, and put myself first. Over the course of 3 years I saw a dramatic weight loss and became happier and rejuvenated. I was finding joy in life and being who I was meant to be. I noticed that as I loved myself more, the energy I was putting out into the world was more positive and others were noticing this too. I felt like a whole new person.
As my confidence grew, I could feel my female power come to the forefront. I never really thought of myself as sexy or truly beautiful, but something awoke within me. I wanted to explore this feeling and embrace this energy. I also knew that I was doing this for myself and not for others, so that has was a huge boost to my ego and confidence.
I started looking into different ways to express this new found confident energy and boudoir photos seemed to just check all the boxes. Here was a way I could embrace my body, my sexuality, my femininity, and my confidence, and not feel afraid to be who I truly was. I researched various photography studios throughout the city and decided that Pink Blush Boudoir’s values and feminine energy was aligned with mine. I knew that they could help me embrace all that I was becoming or had always been as a woman and really let myself feel sexy and empowered. I was also just a few weeks away from my 38th birthday, and this seemed like the perfect birthday present to my new self!
Sarina made me feel comfortable with my decision, right from the start. The initial consult was so moving and empowering that I actually cried as I “unpacked” my story and reasons for wanting to do boudoir photos. I knew that I was going to be part of something amazing and couldn’t wait to have my session.
Everything about the session, from the hair and makeup, to the photos, to the great conversation during the shoot, just left me feeling strong and confident and sexy. This was a dream come true!
I can honestly say that I was a bit nervous when it was time to actually review the photos to choose which I wanted, but that was only because I had never really seen myself through someone else’s eyes and didn’t know what to expect. As soon as I saw the preview slide show, I knew that any fear or nervousness was unfounded. Again I cried, as there I was, looking confident, sexy, and gorgeous, and I just knew this was who I was all along. I was in awe! The photos were amazing and it was so hard to choose which ones I wanted. The ones I did choose all are phenomenal and I currently have 4 of them framed and up in my apartment. Everyone that sees them are blown away and asks where I had them done and why, so I tell my story.
I did this for me, no one else. But I am proud to share my journey with others. We all need to learn to love ourselves first and discover who we are, before we can share that love with others. And any time I feel my confidence shake, I just look at those photos, and know that I am good enough, strong enough, and right where I am meant to be.”
~Miss G

The Transformation of Miss Bruni } Pink Blush Boudoir Edmonton Photography
Client boudoir testimonial for Pink Blush Boudoir Edmonton.
Over the years of being in the business of boudoir I have had the opportunity to photography many women who are documenting a weight loss journey, and in this case Miss Smith’s transformation included an impressive amount of personal growth. It truly is amazing what a person can achieve with hard work, dedication and real honesty with themselves. I was so excited to photograph Miss Bruni for the 3rd time this year and show her how much she has grown in confidence and sexuality. The physical changes are noticeable too, but sometimes they aren’t the most relevant. Her is what she had to say about her experience and journey.
“For me, this photoshoot was a magical experience. My life and my body have changed drastically over the last year. I have focused on health and my body has transformed after hours in the gym lifting weights and changes to my diet. My personal life changed radically as well in that time. I have embraced and incorporated my true energy and aura about me that includes a whole lot of fire and sexuality.
I began this exploration a year ago when Sarina captured me then. I was just coming into my own confidence and body after 2 children and ending a long marriage.
The experience of this shoot is a culmination of the changes I have made and embracing that sensual fire. Sarina was able to capture both my new inner essence and the difference in my body to fully express the woman I continue to become. One full of passion, light, and femininity. She made me comfortable, made me laugh, and made me smolder when I needed to. The resulting pictures are breathtaking. I am grateful to her for continuing to document my journey and to shoot the most beautiful pictures that have ever been taken of me.” Miss Bruni

Sexy Creatives } Pink Blush Boudoir Edmonton YEG
Creative Photography Edmonton
Typically I only post our classic boudoir images but for Halloween this year I thought I would treat you ladies to some of the other work we do. I know not everyone is down with the exotic entertainment industry but many of these women aren’t much different then the rest of us. They are hard working women, students, moms, and business women who are just trying to survive in this world. At Pink Blush we try to create a space where all women are free to express their sexuality and just be who they are without judgment. Happy Halloween everyone!
Boudoir After Babies } Edmonton Boudoir Pink Blush
I don't think it is ever easy for a woman to take her clothes off in front of a complete stranger with a camera, but its certainly not any easier after having a baby or a few of them. After a baby our bodies may never be the same but we can still love and appreciate them. Recently we had Miss K in the studio to help redefine her sexy. Here is what she had to say about her experience with us.
"Where to begin, this past year has been quite the journey for me. From being a mother of two, forging through some rocky marital waters I really needed something to remind myself just how special I was. Often caught up on the downsides of my body (because lets face it, we are our worse critics) I never took the time to appreciate just how beautiful it still is. In attempts to remind myself I decided to do something “taboo” something out of the ordinary for me, something my friends and family were shocked that I was even considering. Wanting to shed the “good girl” image and embrace the sexy side of myself and own and respect my body I stumbled across pink blush. I was in love with what I saw and booked a consult, not only was I instantly comfortable with Sarina, I knew I had made the right choice. Her professionalism, her compassion and her out right talent was apparent. But the fact that they have shot woman during all walks of life and provided a product for woman, made it clear Pink Blush was the right choice. Rather than over editing they take the time to really shoot you in a light that best flaunts your assets (both figuratively and literally). This gave me the opportunity to not just love the photo (because it was real, not over edited fake magazine cover; not really me or ever will be me type photo) and showed me a reflection I often over look while looking in the mirror. Thank you for helping me learn to love myself. I whole heartedly recommend Pink Blush to every woman! This is truly the best gift you could ever give to yourself.
Sarina is knowledgeable in her art, respectful, kind and extremely patient especially if your nervous and have no clue what to do. She helps guide you and by the end I felt so comfortable. It was an absolute blast and I cannot wait to do it again! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Five plus stars!"
Fitness Motivation } Pink Blush Boudoir Photography Edmonton YEG
Boudoir Calgary
If you looking for some awesome fitness motivation I highly recommend this fit chick. Corrie is a national level fitness competitor and trainer. She lives and breaths fitness and nutrition. You can find her on instagram @team2BFA or @cor_fitnesss. Corrie is also an international fitness model so there is never a shortage of stunning shots on her page.
Here are some motivating words from Corrie-Lynn
Motivation is not magic. It does not come in a bottle. There is no little blue pill for it. But it’s something you can tap into by design then harness..
1. Set a goal and visualize it down to the most minute detail. See it, feel it, hear the sounds that accompany the end result. Elite athletes visualize their performance ahead of time — right down to the smell of the sweat dripping down their face as they cross the finish line
2. Make a list of the reasons you want to accomplish the goal. In our busy, distracting world, it’s easy to get blown off course. This is why you need to ground yourself in your goal. For extra “success insurance,” write your list with a pen.
3. Break the goal down into smaller pieces and set intermediary targets — and rewards. To me it’s the best Tony Robbins, arguably the foremost motivational speaker and personal development coach, says: “A major source of stress in our lives comes from the feeling that we have an impossible number of things to do. If you take on a project and try to do the whole thing all at once, you’re going to be overwhelmed
Edmonton Boudoir } Pink Blush Boudoir Edmonton YEG
Finally Friday is here. I hope you all have something that feeds your soul planned for the weekend. Tomorrow Calie and I will be busy with client shoots. Sunday I have a bridal style shoot set up with the lovely Gillian Rae. It will be cold so we booked a hot yoga class at Bliss yoga to warm us up after.
Here is a little more from the beautiful Miss M
Dangerous Woman | Edmonton Boudoir
Edmonton boudoir
Sometimes you just need to feel like a dangerous woman...
Don't need permission
Made my decision to test my limits
'Cause it's my business, God as my witness
Start what I finished
Don't need no hold up
Taking control of this kind of moment
I'm locked and loaded
Completely focused, my mind is open
All that you got, skin to skin, oh my God
Don't ya stop, boy
Somethin' 'bout you makes me feel like a dangerous woman
Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you
Makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't
Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout
Because Your Worth It | Edmonton Boudoir Photography
I have so many women tell me they really want to do a boudoir session, but they just aren't ready to book. Weather it's feeling self-conscious about their body or maybe they don't have any one to give the images too it always seems there is something holding them back. I truly believe every woman should try Boudoir at some point in their life, and I think the best time can be when your not feeling great about yourself. Weather it's because of how your feeling about your body after having a baby, or maybe a breakup, we all have those times when we need a pick me up simply because your worth it.