Boudoir Photo Shoot Preparation - Pink Blush Photography
We get a lot of questions before women come in for their photo shoot. One commonly asked question we get is how can I prepare for my photo shoot? Besides a few beauty tips we can give to prep yourself (stay tuned for another blog post coming out soon), here are some things that you can do before your appointment.
We get a lot of questions before women come in for their photo shoot. One commonly asked question we get is how can I prepare for my photo shoot? Besides a few beauty tips we can give to prep yourself (stay tuned for another blog post coming out soon), here are some things that you can do before your appointment.
1) Research
Before your photos shoot, we suggest going through our Blog & Instagram page for inspiration. These are both great mediums to use as we post the most images on these two platforms. Our work can not only give you inspiration on what kind of poses you might like to try but can also help give you some ideas on what kind of outfits to wear. If you’ve never done a boudoir shoot before, this is a great way to give you lots of ideas as to what to expect and what to do. We also suggest saving some of the images you see online that really speak to you. This way you can show your photographer these images and we will do our best to incorporate all your pose idea / suggestions into your shoot to ensure you get exactly what you were hoping for.
2) Consultation
Step number two is not a mandatory step, however, it can be a great idea of something to book before your shoot itself. Especially if you find you have lots of questions or are very nervous about having your boudoir shoot done. Consultations are 30 minute appointments you book with us a minimum of one week prior to your photo shoot. During a consultation we go over what to expect, give you ideas on outfits, talk about pricing in more detail, give you a tour of the studio, and answer all questions and worries you may have.
3) Raid your wardrobe / Go Shopping
In an hour shoot, we will usually use 1-3 outfit changes. Before going shopping I always suggest to raid your wardrobe to see what cool articles of clothes or lingerie pieces you might already have. You may have forgotten about something that you already own! So it is a great idea to go through your closet and dresser to see what you might have already. Second, if you don’t have enough outfits, then head out and go shopping! After you look through our blog / instagram you should have a a good idea of some of the outfits that you might like to try, or even one outfit idea. Once you get to the store itself, I always suggest trying on a number of different styles and outfits to really get a feel for what you might like on yourself.
If you are in need of some outfit inspiration with more specifics, we wrote a couple blog posts about our top 10 favourite outfit ideas:
4) Hair and Makeup Research
If you are getting hair and makeup done for your photo shoot, I also suggest going through Pinterest / Instagram and looking up some “Boudoir Photo Shoot Makeup Looks.” Bringing a photo to your shoot to show your makeup artist gives them a great idea as to what kind of look you would like to try for your shoot. Stay tuned for a new blog post coming out sometime in the next few months about different makeup looks that you can try for your shoot.
5) Night Before Prep
The night before your photo shoot make sure you are ready to go! Gather up all of your outfits and pack them away so that everything is ready to go o the day of your shoot. Nerves may be running high in anticipation for your shoot, so packing the night before can help you to remember to bring everything for your shoot. Don’t forget to look at some of your own heels / jewelry that you might like to use at your shoot and pack those up as well. Make sure your photo inspiration ideas are easily accessible on your phone. Lastly, before you go to bed lather up with some lotion, the more moisturized your skin is the better it will look in photos, so do a good coat before you go to bed.
6) Morning Of
The day has come! Excitement is at a high, but thank god you packed up all your goodies the night before. Drink some water and make sure to have something to eat before you come for your shoot. One last time for moisturizing as well, so lather up before you leave the house.

How to prepare for your Boudoir Shoot } Pink Blush Boudoir YEG
Preparing for your shoot
Preparing for your boudoir shoot is key! And nothing will make you feel more comfortable for your shoot then to have everything ready to go and prepped the night before.
Here are some tips and tricks for you!
1) Hair and Makeup prep
Come with a clean face, free of makeup, but make sure to put on a light moisturizer the morning of your shoot. Ask for your hair, everyone's hair is different, if you can get away with showering every couple days, then the night before your shoot is fine, but be sure to blow dry your hair upside down before going to bed, but if you are the type of woman he needs to shower her hair everyday, then the morning of is totally fine, but again, blow dry your hair upside before coming for your shoot.
If you have something specific in mind for hair or makeup, having photos to relay what you want tends to work best, otherwise if your not too sure what you want, then our fabulous makeup girls will help you take care of it!
2) Body Prep
The more moisturized your skin is, the better it will look in photos. Drink water, and moisturize with your favourite lotion or coconut oil, whatever medium you like to use. If your skin isn't too sensitive and you have exfoliated before, try a body scrub about 5 days before your shoot, and then moisturize the last few days before your shoot.
Spray tans can be nice, but if you go somewhere inexperienced you may come out of it orange and not with the kind of glow you were hoping for. We suggest leaving your skin as is! But if you really want a tan to your skin, give us a call at the studio and we can give your tips and suggestions.
3) Nails
Longer nails definitely make your hands look better for photos, but if you don't normally get your nails done, or don't have it in the budget, then don't stress, just make sure your nails are clean, and trimmed to all the same length. If you have a neutral nail polish, put a coat of that on your nails before you get here.
If you are willing to go out and get your nails done then entrust your fabulous nail tech to help you out for your shoot!
4) Outfits & Accessories
Make sure to pack all your items the night before, so that on the day of your shoot, you don't have to panic before you get here.
There is no such thing as too little or too much to bring when it comes to boudoir. We are here to help, so bring anything and everything you think you might like to use for your shoot with us, and we can help you narrow it down if needed when you get here.
Glance through our blog if you need some ideas of outfits, this way you can see what some other women who have come here have done.
We have tons of accessories (jewellery, shoes, stockings, gloves) that you can use at the studio, and once your here, and we've helped you narrow down your outfits, we will help you accessorize your outfits with either something of ours or yours! If you do have some of your own, definitely make sure to bring it with you on the day of your shoot.
More tips and tricks to follow!