Client Experience } Boudoir Photographer Edmonton
I cannot tell you all enough how amazing it is when a client sends you an email like this one back after receiving their photos from us:
Thank you for sending me the link for the pictures yesterday! I’m not going to tell you my whole story, but rather, I would like to share with you about what the whole experience with you (and Serena) did for me. You did an amazing job on the pictures... and I am blown away! In many of the pictures, you managed to capture how I feel inside- a side of myself I don’t always see on the outside. I’ve been looking at the pictures and some of them take my breath away, and I am thinking... that me? Taking those pictures was something that was really out of my comfort zone and you both made me feel very comfortable and at ease - thank you for that! And the pictures... they are amazing... I could have never imagined they would turn out as wonderful as they did!
I just love getting these! This is truly what we aim for here at Pink Blush, so it's great to hear that we are able to show women this side of themselves.

February is Self Love Month } Pink Blush Boudoir Photography
Let’s make February self love month! With February revolving around Valentine’s Day, I think it’s fitting to make it a self love month. Valentine’s Day is meant to show the people you love some love, so why not show yourself a little love too.
Let’s make February self love month!
With February revolving around Valentine’s Day, I think it’s fitting to make it a self love month. Valentine’s Day is meant to show the people you love some love, so why not show yourself a little love too.
I’ve been having a hard time coming up with things to write about on our blog. As most of you know (or can tell from my other blog posts), I am not a writer, however, I do my best, and I think this topic will be great for discussions and for furthering our brand and what we truly stand by here at Pink Blush.
We are obviously boudoir photographers, however, we are in the business of helping people see themselves in a new light. As much as boudoir photography is about getting ‘sexy’ photos done of yourself, it is a lot about the experience you will receive when you walk through our doors. I think this is the part that Sarina and myself pride ourselves in most.
We want women to feel safe and comfortable when they arrive, during their shoot, and after they leave. We try our best to make sure our studio feels this way for everyone who comes here. We not only want you to feel safe and comfortable, but we want to help you on your path to appreciating yourself and if you will, showing yourself the love and praise you deserve.
In dedicating this month to Self Love, Sarina and myself will be doing some self love work as well. Feel free to join in and do some of the things we plan on doing, we will share our progress and give you updates every Saturday this month on how it’s going.
Over the last two years, I myself have been doing a lot of work and trying to show myself some love for change. For me it was trying to have a more positive outlook on life and myself. Taking care of myself more by working out and changing my diet. It has been a long road and journey for myself, but in taking so much pride in taking care of myself, it was easier to start to love myself more. Putting in that extra effort has helped me appreciate myself more, which has led to me opening up and growing as a person.
Your self love journey is important, and will come to you when you need it most. Of course it will be different for everyone, and you may have already started doing the work, but if you haven’t already it may be time for you to start or to think about starting.
This week will be step one, and that I think is acceptance that you need to start accepting yourself and treating yourself better. Hold yourself accountable. That’s where I want everyone to start. I am by no means a professional or leader in self love, I myself could still use some refreshing in this category, so I will be starting from the beginning again too. Take this time to figure yourself out too, think about what you might want for yourself and for your future.
That’s all for now.
PS in the meantime enjoy some images from Miss K’s shoot I did back in November.

Miss S } Edmonton Boudoir Photography
I just love when a girl comes in to the studio with a super unique look and vibe to her. Miss S was no different, with all of her fabulous tattoos and bright orange hair, it all added to her boudoir photos.
Sarina helped her choose a bold makeup look that would compliment her vibe, and the dark eye really adds an extra element of edgy to the images. Even the outfits we ended up selecting compliment her look nicely, the combo of the red romper with her hair and plus the mismatched bra and panty set actually works really well here, I am loving the colour flow that they put together. Lastly, when you have lots of tattoos you can’t go wrong with trying out the naked look! It lets all her tattoos speak for themselves.

Sexuality & Boudoir Photography - Pink Blush Edmonton
I want to talk a little about sexuality today, there is a quote we posted on Instagram a little while ago: “Women are all sexual creatures. It’s a pity so many of us have it shamed out of us before we even get a chance to explore it.”
I want to talk a little about sexuality today, there is a quote we posted on Instagram a little while ago: “Women are all sexual creatures. It’s a pity so many of us have it shamed out of us before we even get a chance to explore it.”
As girls we are taught to hide our bodies and protect our innocents from potential preditors and men in general. This is absolutely important as a means to protect our children and our daughters as they grow up. Unfortunately, as adult women many of us don't lose our sense of self protection. We feel uncomfortable undressing around our husbands and other women, we are afraid to let go and enjoy our bodies. We feel shame for sharing our bodies with men even when it is perfectly consentual and appropriate.
Someday I hope our daughters will grow up in a word where they dont feel like they have to close a door on their sexuality. Someday I hope we live in a world where men understand that it is their responsibility to keep the children and women in their lives safe.
I really think boudoir photography is a great way for us women to be more open with our sexuality and our bodies. It’s a great way for us to explore that side of ourselves in a safe place, and through artistic expression.

Henna Art Boudoir } Boudoir Photographer Edmonton Pink Blush
Henna Art on nude model, Edmonton Boudoir.
Oh how i love Henna Art and nude boudoir photos. Henna is so feminine and can be placed to accentuate a woman’s individual from. Lyndsay from Edmonton Henna does a amazing job of designing pieces that suit each woman needs and shape. If you looking for a different way to enhance your body for a boudoir shoot I highly recommend considering Henna. It’s also a nice way to surprise your groom under your wedding dress. If you interested in adding Henna Art to your shoot please let us know.

Fitness Motivation } Pink Blush Boudoir Photography Edmonton YEG
Boudoir Calgary
If you looking for some awesome fitness motivation I highly recommend this fit chick. Corrie is a national level fitness competitor and trainer. She lives and breaths fitness and nutrition. You can find her on instagram @team2BFA or @cor_fitnesss. Corrie is also an international fitness model so there is never a shortage of stunning shots on her page.
Here are some motivating words from Corrie-Lynn
Motivation is not magic. It does not come in a bottle. There is no little blue pill for it. But it’s something you can tap into by design then harness..
1. Set a goal and visualize it down to the most minute detail. See it, feel it, hear the sounds that accompany the end result. Elite athletes visualize their performance ahead of time — right down to the smell of the sweat dripping down their face as they cross the finish line
2. Make a list of the reasons you want to accomplish the goal. In our busy, distracting world, it’s easy to get blown off course. This is why you need to ground yourself in your goal. For extra “success insurance,” write your list with a pen.
3. Break the goal down into smaller pieces and set intermediary targets — and rewards. To me it’s the best Tony Robbins, arguably the foremost motivational speaker and personal development coach, says: “A major source of stress in our lives comes from the feeling that we have an impossible number of things to do. If you take on a project and try to do the whole thing all at once, you’re going to be overwhelmed
Romance } Pink Blush Boudoir Edmonton
Boudoir Edmonton
In the early stages of a relationship it is so easy to have romantic dates and jesters that keep your heart fluttering for more. That all starts to fade after the honeymoon faze and real life sets back in. In our everyday lives we have job, house work, children to tend and often our relationships with ourselves and with our partners lack the attention they need. It takes effort to keep the feeling of passion alive years into a relationship. Boudoir is a perfect way to help spice things back up for you and your partner. It can give a woman some much needs self love time and her partner will enjoy it too. If your looking for a new way to add back in some romance email us for more information on how to book a shoot.
Here are some lovely images of Miss A.
Edmonton Boudoir } Pink Blush Boudoir Edmonton YEG
Finally Friday is here. I hope you all have something that feeds your soul planned for the weekend. Tomorrow Calie and I will be busy with client shoots. Sunday I have a bridal style shoot set up with the lovely Gillian Rae. It will be cold so we booked a hot yoga class at Bliss yoga to warm us up after.
Here is a little more from the beautiful Miss M
Miss S | Best Edmonton Boudoir Studio
Hey Ladies, Here are some wonderful words form one of our amazing clients. Just love I do...
"I loved the whole process. Sarina was very accommodating with getting me in for the shoot and the preview. She made me feel very comfortable the entire time and had great ideas on how to pose and position myself to make really beautiful photographs. I would recommend her to everyone."
Because Your Worth It | Edmonton Boudoir Photography
I have so many women tell me they really want to do a boudoir session, but they just aren't ready to book. Weather it's feeling self-conscious about their body or maybe they don't have any one to give the images too it always seems there is something holding them back. I truly believe every woman should try Boudoir at some point in their life, and I think the best time can be when your not feeling great about yourself. Weather it's because of how your feeling about your body after having a baby, or maybe a breakup, we all have those times when we need a pick me up simply because your worth it.