Bathtub Boudoir Ideas ] Edmonton's Best Boudoir Studio
Bathtub Boudoir sessions in all their creative glory. Check out all the options we can offer you in our Edmonton studio.
To tub or not to tub? With all the options we have in the studio it can be hard to decide on the sets that you want. Often the tub is overlooked as a set option, usually just because the ladies don’t want to get their hair wet…lol Luckily we have ways to prevent that so you can still leave with your hair in good order. The bathtub boudoir sets can be so fun, there is a never ending list of concepts, everything from simple bubbles, fun colours, flowers, and gore.. That's right I said gore.. Below I have a collection of some of the different bathtub sets we can do and I still have so many ideas I haven't done. There really is a way to customize bath sets for everyone.
Our first set is Miss C enjoying a classic bubble bath with black frame glasses and messy bun. Something like this could even be paired with a glass of wine or tea to add to the natural self love bath time vibe. Maybe even your hair in a towel for the ultimate spa vibes aura.
Next up is Miss S having bath time with her clothes on. I started shooting ladies in the tub with clothing mostly so I would have some usable bath images for instagram. It turns out wet lingerie can be really hot. Fabric tends to cling to the body and it goes see through once it is wet. I have shot everything from basic white t-shirts and panties to every type of lingerie imaginable. It can be so fun to play with. I highly recommend anything sheer and light weight.
Oh how I love a milk bath. Miss C had the perfect Tee for this milky set don’t you think? What I love about a milk bath is that you can sink below the water if you have parts you want to hide. It is ideal for making cool shapes like we did with Miss K down below. We used a few simple fern pieces and I just love how many artistic shots we got. These are so perfect to print and hang in the bathroom.
Miss H wanted to wear this really sweet cherry blossom set from our client closet so we decided to add a little bit of pink to the milk bath. I love the soft delicate colour of the water, it is feminine and pretty. There are so many things that could be added to the water if you wanted to customize it for you. Tiny pink flowers, little white daisies, pink candy. Although that will probably make you a little sticky it would look sweet.
When Miss E came to see me she had this really cute white set that her boyfriend really enjoyed so I thought we could make it even more alluring by getting it wet. I will admit it did not go as see through as I had hoped but it still looks super sexy in the lavender tinted milk bath. Again with the coloured milk bath we could add in actual lavender or lilacs once they are in season. If you wanted to really have fun with the colour Orange slices would make a fun contrast with the blue/purple tones.
Holy hot pink!!! Miss C wanted to have some fun with a hot pink clear water vibe. This set is awesome naked but there is no end to the outfit options. A brightly coloured body cage, some tiny jean shorts, or a really sparkly diamond body chain.
Moving on to the food themed tub sets. Miss J wanted to mix red roses and strawberries in her bath water. We did a bright red lip so at least she was wearing something, and added milk to the water to give her some coverage. So delicious.. What kind of fruit flower mix would you want to try?
I feel like everyone has a favourite cereal. Whether it is a childhood favourite or maybe that after sex snack you and your partner enjoy. Miss N has a thing for Fruitloops as you can see. They were a perfect way to add a little fun colour and personal touch to her shoot. Any favorite snacks you would want to add?
Who doesn’t love the romance of roses? Just fill the tub already. Costco has bunches of 2 dozen roses for $60 and it is well worth the money. You will be drowning in the petals, and dripping in sexy goddess energy. I can’t decide what I like better, Miss N in the yellow or Miss C in the red, but really any colour will do for you next boudoir shoot.
Sparkle time. As much as I love a sparkle tub, I’m not going to lie, cleaning this set up after is not the enjoyable part. But the photos are so worth it. I have done silver and pink, but I would love to try gold next. Any takers??
It is time to move onto the blood and gore. I told you there would be gore. Below is a collection of Vampire and witch themed shoots that will excite any thriller fan. These types of sets are available year round but of course they are perfect for Halloween.
Miss C wanted to channel her inner Vampirella in a blood bath with a red bodysuit. I actually made this outfit by cutting up a mesh dress I had in the studio and stapling the vagina part together so it would fit like a bodysuit. I literally cut and stapled this piece right on her.. lol We cut up the center and crossed the top to make an almost perfect Vampirella costume. Not too bad for an on the fly look.
For Miss C and Miss L we went fully dark by making the water jet black. Like the milk bath the dark water is really fun for hiding body parts and making cool shapes. Mix this set with candles, crystals, animal parts, a little smoke and we get some super sexy spooky energy. I am sure we can find all kinds of fun things to add to the dark water to make a set that speaks to your spooky style of spooky.
Well I hope you all enjoyed that little journey through our bathroom. If you want to try shooting in the tub when you come for your shoot you just need to let me know and I will make sure it is ready for you. If you have any creative concepts you want to try, some items I may have you pick up if we don’t have it in the studio or I can get what we need for you. Have a wonderful rest of your week. ~ Sarina
Valentine's Day and Boudoir - Boudoir Specialist Edmonton
Valentine’s Day Boudoir
Happy Valentine’s Day beautiful. I thought it might be nice to treat our readers to something a little different for this special day One of my dearest friends is a writer and Dr specializing in Psychiatry with a psychotherapy practice for women , so I asked her share her thoughts on Valentine’s Day, Boudoir, and connection to our sexual nature. Dr. Rena LaFrance MD FRCPC has been to the studio of multiple sessions now, and with each session I have watched her grow and develop her sense of self, and her connection to her sensuality. Through her work and through her own life journey she has gained an extensive understanding of intimacy, both with self and with our partners. Todays Blog is just a little taste, but I hope in time we can continue to bring you more from this wonderful human. If anyone is looking to work with someone like Dr. LaFrance you can contact me directly for her info.
Valentines day.
A day traditionally meant for lovers and filled with expectation.
The energy of love however is everywhere and every day and is
meant for you whether you are in a couple, single or in any
other non-monogamy combination. It belongs to all of us.
No singular day can define it nor should it. Love is inclusive and
And every day can be a celebration of the precious love we
have for ourselves.
Where does true seduction begin if not within our own minds
and bodies?
Sometimes meant for an audience. Sometimes meant to be
indulged in alone.
Always first and foremost the sacred dance with self.
Sinful or angelic?
Indulgent or necessary?
So many aspects to something so beautiful and birthright.
Life is meant to be felt sensually and deeply.
While we are at it.
Boudoir photography itself is the ultimate seductive
experience. Offering much of what seduction embodies.
It is the delicate dance between subject and photographer. An
intimate and soulful experience meant to bring out sensuality
and the divine.
Scent and luxurious texture. Adornment in pretty lingerie.
Beauty teased out that was ever so much already present.
Most of all the experience is meant for you alone to revel in. Of
course, you may share these pictures or keep them as
testimony to your secret self.
But that choice is yours and one in which you have intention
and sovereignty over.
It is meant for those who long to express themselves if only
given the chance. The experience can be transformative.
An awakening. And as deliciously decadent as you desire.
As we explore some of the ways you can enhance and bring out
your sensual seductive self. Let this be the beginning.
Miss C wearing our red body cage from our clients closet. We have these in black and red, sizes small and large.
Valentine's Day Gift Ideas
The Season of love is here. See what Sarina has to say about the big V Day celebrations, what we outfits we have to help you spice up your phots just right, and of course we have a Valentine’s Day Special.
Never have I craved love so deeply, as the love of Myself
Valentine’s Day, Tis the season of loving… For those of us in happy relationships this time of year can be very enjoyable, but for those of us who are in unstable relationships, or single it can be lonely and even painful. Looking back at my years before I was married, I remember spending this Holiday either alone, working or with girl friends. Rarely was I in any kind of relationship on Valentine's Day, and if I was it was usually disappointing. I remember watching my female peers, either being really excited for their Valentine’s Day date nights or completely disheartened. Either because they didn’t have anyone to spend it with or maybe they knew their partner had nothing planned. Some time in my early 20’s I had basically decided to not participate in the disappointment or what I thought was a phoney expression of feelings. I didn't want a man buying me flowers just because I might be mad since all my friends got flowers and I didn’t. How fraudulent I thought. If a man is going to love me or at least show love for me, it better be everyday, not just that day, and not just because he thinks it is expected of him.
What I could get behind and can still get behind is using this time of year to really focus on loving yourself. It is a new year, we just got a fresh start, why not use that? Whether you are single or not we can always use a little time to focus on loving ourselves. I have always believed that the secret to happiness is to really be content and happy with who we are as individuals. We cannot control who comes and goes from our lives, or how other people behave, so to me, basing our happiness on our relationships is a dangerous thing. This doesn’t mean you wont find your “soul mate” or “love of your life” until you have absolute self love. What it means is that we might not find happiness, regardless of our relationship status if we don’t not love ourselves. If there is one thing being in a marriage for 10 years has proven to me, is that my happiness is my responsibility, not my partners. Yes he brings me joy and laughter, and he has many good qualities that make him a wonderful partner and husband. But just like me he is human, he isn't a perfect being, and neither am I. I'm sure we equally share in pissing each other off just as much as we make each other happy.. lol
Being married is wonderful, it has ups and downs and everything in between. When things are up it is really easy to be happy and loving with my partner, and happy and loving with myself. When things are at a low point it can be a little hard to give myself the love that I need, but I am always committed to taking care of myself. I made the mistake early in my relationship of not caring for myself as much as I should and both my partner and I suffered because of it. It was such a powerful lesson to be reminded that just because I was in a committed relationship, that didn't mean that self work was done and it certainly didn't mean only happiness ahead.. So just like I did when I was single, I must continue to care for myself, so I can love myself when things are good and when they are hard.
My wish for all my peeps out there, female, male, coupled or not, is that you love yourself the best you can over the next few weeks and fill your cup till it runs over. Don’t forget to keep doing the self work regardless of your relationship status, for it is that individual healing and work that we do on ourselves that will make your relationship bud with new ever growing love.
Self Love First
Whether you are in a committed relationship or not, your self care must always be a part of your daily life.
How Can We Celebrate The Big Love Day
If you are looking for a way to celebrate the love season of course we are always going to suggest a Boudoir Experience with us. Teaching self love and acceptance through Boudoir is what we do.
With Valentine’s Day just a little more than a month away now is the time to start thinking about what to do to celebrate your love. There are so many ways to Celebrate through the experience of boudoir. Below are a few examples we have for you.
First by doing Boudoir photos for your love. Most often it is women who come to us to have photos done for their partner, but another trend that is on the rise is men doing boudoir photos for their partners. How wonderful is that Ladies? Whether the photos are for you or a loved one we always want you to leave our studio with a little more confidence in your strut, maybe even a little wiggle in your giggle.
Second is to book a Couples Boudoir session. This experience can be so fun for any couple that wants to try something new to spice up their relationship in a safe environment. Session can be very soft and playful, or you can get a little naughty with some of our more creative and suggestive poses. You never know the things you might discover about yourself, your partner or your relationship. It is worth a try for any couple looking for a fun new way to connect. Sure it can be a bit intimidating to strip down and get suggestively intimate in front of a stranger, but we promise to help keep the mood light and playful. We are very experienced at working with couples of all comfort levels. During a Couples Boudoir Session we will mainly focus on photos of the two of you but you can also request to do a few individual photos as well.
Our third option is simply to buy your partner a gift card. One that can be used for a later date either solo or as a couples session. Our gift cards offer the freedom for the receiver to book when they are ready and the purchase value will never expire. This is a flirty little way to let your partner know that you think they are sexy and that you want them to know too.
To help you celebrate your Love we have a special Valentine’s Day offer.
$549 Boudoir Experience
1.5 Hour Shoot, Hair and Makeup, with 5 edited Digital Images. The session also includes an in studio consultation over the phone, a same day in studio image preview, access to all of our studio sets and our client closet. The regular price on this session is $700.
Options to add on more images, albums and wall pieces will also be available once you see your images. We also offer layaway plans for any additional product.For More information on booking this session or purchasing it as a gift card please click the link.
Booking Details
Romance ready outfits from our client closet. To see our entire client closet please click here.
Boudoir Experience and Album Reveal - Pink Blush Boudoir Edmonton Studio
Check you Miss K’s stunning boudoir photos and here more about her Boudoir Experience at our Edmonton Studio.
I am so thrilled to share Miss K’s Boudoir experience with you today. She came to see me this past September at our Edmonton boudoir studio, in search of a little more self confidence and some much needed body liberation. As women many of us grow up in homes where our parents do their best to shelter us from the evil ways of the world. No parent wants their daughter taken advantage of, or vulnerable to the dangers of the world, and of course we want our girls to grow up respecting their bodies. Unfortunately sometimes this means that those protective parenting tactics go a little too far. Instead of feeling strong and secure with our bodies we feel suppressed and shameful about them. Instead of feeling our own ownership of our bodies, we feel like they are not really ours. We get told, we can’t wear this and we can’t go there, all because of how other people might react to the “message we are sending”. We get conditioned to hide ourselves, to watch what we say, and how we behave. This can leave women feeling confused and closed off from their sexuality. It can make self expression difficult and pleasure, one when it is with a safe partner, completely off limits. It can take years of self work to overcome these traumas and many forms of therapy. I’m glad to say that boudoir can be a big milestone in the journey to self acceptance, and liberation. We can offer a safe place for women to explore themselves without judgment and hopefully with a little luck we can help them release some of that societal pressure. Boudoir can be a great addition to a woman’s healing journey, if you would like more information on booking a session please see our website or book a complimentary consultation. Here is a little bit about Miss K’s Experience with us, I hope you enjoy her beautiful photos.
Miss K’s Boudoir Experience Review:
“I love it SO much!! I've reflected on doing this shoot over the past week or so, and I've really come to realize that this shoot has allowed me to see myself as beautiful, with and without clothing. This is another step I've taken to appreciate myself and my sexuality. I still feel sorry for my little 5 year old self that couldn't wear a tank top or sundress for the sake of modesty, or my teenage self that couldn't wear a bikini and learn self confidence. But, here I am, with these photos, proof that I'm a babe.
It was your talent, and personality that made these pictures and this experience wonderful.” Miss K
Miss K opening her album for the first time, watch her emotional reveal here.
When I started shooting Boudoir 10 years ago, I thought it was so cool that I found this career where I could have fun creating beautiful images and playing around with my creative expression. Certainly this career choice would be way more fun than working a boring nine to five. I didn’t know back then how much my passion and love for this work would grow. It is so much more than just taking pretty pictures. I get to help women see a side of themselves that many never knew even existed. I get to be part of their healing journeys and a point of support and encouragement on that journey. I get to watch them blossom and grow from the start of their Boudoir Experience to the end. Watching a woman shift in her thinking about how she feels towards her own body is a fulfillment I never knew I would experience. Over the years this career, my eyes have been opened to so many more possibilities and experiences then I ever could have imagined. It is a true blessing to be able to do this work, I continue to be grateful for this gift and excited for what the future holds. I am always learning more through my experience with my clients. Every woman has her own story, her own individual struggles with her self esteem and body image. Although our stories and experiences may be different, we all have one thing in common. We just want to feel comfortable in our own skin.
Miss K looking happy and radiant during her shoot. I could see the self confidence grow throughout her Boudoir Experience
Learn more about our client closet below
Do you love Miss K’s White Bodysuit? Would you love to wear a pice like this in your session? Well you can!
This is a piece form our client closet in size small. To see more of our client closet click the link here.
Our client closet has so much to offer size XS to 4XL. We know shopping for lingerie can be stressful and expensive. We are happy to be able to offer our clients this service to make your session with us just a little less stressful. If you would like to take a closer look at our client closet you can book a complimentary consultation and come do a fitting with your photographer.
Makeup Before and After of Miss K
Check out Miss K’s amazing makeup before and after reveal. Hair and makeup is a big part of our Boudoir experiences here at Pink Blush. The time taken to do your hair and makeup before your shoot is a great time for us to get to know you better, and for you to get more comfortable with us. I think its safe to say that getting pampered is never a bad thing either. How often do we actually go get a professional service like this done? Almost never for most of us. Many clients tell me the only time they ever had their makeup done was for their own wedding, or maybe someone else’s. The process of getting your hair and makeup done can be very relaxing, and can help calm your nerves before your shoot. As well, having professional hair and makeup done can make you feel more glamorous and confident. A great self-esteem boost before you even start. Tell us what you think of Miss K’s Makeup transformation.
Dreamy Sunset Boudoir - Boudoir Photography Alberta
Miss T on her Boudoir Experience: “I can not express enough the gratitude I have for Sarina and the experience I had during my boudoir shoot. From the initial consultation,
the guidance through the client closet, all the way to the shoot itself, I felt comfortable, heard and sexy. The confidence gained through the whole experience was incredible and soul changing. Their patience, expertise and sheer talent leaves you feeling confident, fierce and beautiful. I was blown away during the reveal of how incredibly stunning my photos were. What an empowering gift to give yourself! I would HIGHLY recommend Pink Blush Boudoir.”
Before and After of the lovely Miss T. Cleary, a total babe in real life, but if you never see the sexier side to yourself how do you ever know it is there? We will not find what we don’t seek. Ladies, you must seek it.
Ladies, I love the summer. Not just because it is warm here in Alberta and you can go outside without the painful freezing of your face, but because we get sunset light in our Edmonton studio. I love working with this dynamic, glowing light. We get shapes and shadows I cannot achieve at any other time of the year. It is perfect for creating a dreamy goddess like glow to your images. If you want something soft and feminine for your boudoir photos I don’t think it can get any better than this. I will be honest though this light isn’t always easy to catch. If it is cloudy, this is not going to happen. That means when you book a sunset session in the summer we may need you to be flexible on your shoot date. Typically I will know within a few days if we have a good chance at having this miracle happen in our studio and thank goodness we don’t tend to get a lot of rain here, but if you want to book a sunset session, it might require a little patience.
Miss T not only trusted me with doing her hair and makeup, helping her with outfits, and the rest of her boudoir experience, she allowed me to have a little flexibility with her session date and it was absolutely worth it. We started her session in our dark room because the timing of the light wasn’t right yet. You can see that the images in our dark room still have a lovely warm glow, so it’s never a bad thing if we are waiting for the light to be perfect. One perk of our studio is that we have multiple rooms to play in that offer different light and themes. Miss T brought 2 different body suits so we used the deep burgundy lace bodysuit in the dark room, as it gave a nice contrast on the cream couch. Her second bodysuit was nude with black strapping details. We choose to use this piece with the grey couch and brick wall. We did a lot of reflection shots to show off the detail of the front and back of the lingerie. The third lingerie piece was selected from our client closet. The mauve colour was flattering to her skin tone and the high waisted panty is always a win if you want to narrow the waist round out the hips. We also had the flexibility with the bra and panty to remove the bra for some topless shots. I always love a bra and panty as the final outfit if I have clients that think they might want topless shots but are not 100% sure prior to their shoot. This gives ladies a chance to feel out the first 2 outfits and then there is no pressure either way for the last. You will have to let me know in the comments what you think of Miss T’s Boudoir session? Below is a plentiful gallery of her stunning images
If you would like more info on how to book a sunset session please email us. We usually start getting the sunset light in mid May.
I hope you loved Miss T’s sunset boudoir session in our Edmonton based boudoir studio. Thank you for viewing our blog today. -Sarina
Romantic Bridal Boudoir - Pink Blush Boudoir Studio Edmonton
Miss C’s Bridal Boudoir experience at our Edmonton based studio.
“My wedding day was 5 months away and I was looking for the best gift to give my future husband. Something intimate, personal, sensual and that we could look at in 20 years and say WOW. .
Boudoir is the French word for a woman's bedroom, so it makes sense that when you find a French woman behind your camera, wonderful thingings can happen. Miss C was looking for the ultimate gift for her fiancé, so we made that happen for her here at our studio. This was her first shoot and although a bit nervous she had seen the photos we had done of one of her friends so she knew she was in good hands. One of my greatest challenges as a boudoir photographer is helping my clients feel empowered before we even start the shoot. It is easy for me to say things like “you got this you are beautiful” or “don't worry, I will guide you, you don’t have to know how to pose or anything” but those are just words. Having a friend who has been to our studio and who can share her experience is honestly one of the most powerful tools I have as a photographer.
Why might that be? because you know your friend. You know how hard she can be on herself, you know her on her good days and bad, you know she is beautiful in many ways inside and out. Just like me, you see the beauty in her that she might not see in herself. So when you see how happy your friend is with her experience, and how she feels about her photos, you know you can give boudoir a try too. This is why we have a referral program, and why we value the past clients who pass their experience and our name along to their dearest friends. Word of mouth is one of our best ways to reach clients so thank you. I wanted to use this blog as a reminder that when you refer new clients to us, you get $100 in boudoir bucks to use towards a new session with us.
Client Experience Review:
“My wedding day was 5 months away and I was looking for the best gift to give my future husband. Something intimate, personal, sensual and that we could look at in 20 years and say WOW.
From the first email/phone call, Sarina made me feel so comfortable. The way she talked to me in her soft tone put me at ease from the start. We talked about what I envisioned and how I wanted the book to feel like. (My dream was a hardcover book that would wow my husband)
The big day was here, March 17th, 10am, my nerves were on fire! I had prepared myself physically and mentally. The skin was tanned and glowing, I had followed her instructions to a T. The second I entered her beautiful home and her elegant studio space, I became a queen! As she did my hair and makeup the conversation flowed and we got to know each other better. The hair and makeup was absolutely stunning! We went through all the items I bought but I was automatically drawn to her enormous client closet. Her outfit selection is incredible! The photo shoot started and my nerves calmed down, all I had to do was listen to her soft directions. She delicately helped me achieve the most beautiful, sensual and elegant poses. I decided to do five wardrobe changes to give me a lot of options for the book. (Little did I know this would make things harder but in a good way)
I was worried having a woman that I don’t know personally take pictures of me so “up close and personal” would be awkward but on the contraire, I was in complete trust and ease. I was the queen for a day. After the shoot, I went for lunch while she looked over the pictures and prepared the slide show for me to choose the finished product. THIS IS WHEN IT GOT COMPLICATED!! As we sat there, both in awe of the results, I decided that my budget needed to be increased HAHAHA! The hardest thing was making cuts in the hundreds of pictures taken. ALL were just jaw dropping. I will never forget the feeling of goddess when my husband put his eyes on the book the morning of our wedding. His face was priceless! Knowing that would take his name in a few hours and that this is what I look like in private…….. lets just say he was having a good day LOL
I will finish by saying, Sarina, you are as beautiful inside as you are beautiful outside. Your spirit is just glowing and I am blessed that we got to share such a special day in my life. Please continue to make all of us feel beautiful in our own personal way. You truly are a gift to us all. If we can all learn one thing from you, is that sensuality is limitless and that we are all absolutely stunning no matter how our brain seems to deform the reflection in the mirror. This was not only a spiritual moment with my femininity but also a therapy growth. My brain had never let me see what you showed me with your camera lens! Bless you girl xxx”
I was the queen for a day
I was worried having a woman that I don’t know personally take pictures of me so “up close and personal” I thought I would be awkward, but on the contraire, I was in complete trust and ease
Miss C Before and After
I might be a bit biased since I took these photos, but I am truly in love with Miss C’s photos. She brought some really great pieces, like her wedding dress and a New York Yankee jersey. I can’t say I'm much of a sports fan but the yankee jerseys have always been my favourite. I also love doing nude photos with wedding dresses. How much more of a tease can you be on your wedding day by showing your husband how hot you look under that dress… She was also open to a few of my suggestions like this stunning red lingerie with pee-a-boo boobies, shot in the dark room with red roses. We used the tub for a milk bath and red rose petal set, nude of course. Both sets added a little extra romance to her session perfect for the occasion. I hope you enjoy Miss C’s photos as much as I do.
Thank you for your continued support. If you enjoyed this blog please share ti with friends or like and share on our social media.
Mr. D - A Man and ALL his underwear - Male Boudoir - Pink Blush Boudoir Edmonton
Mr. D has a wardrobe, or shall I say closet full of the all underwear he has been collecting over the years, and what a great way to remember your collection then to get some boudoir photos taken in them.
I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. D back in 2021! And in the matter of two months, he has been to us for two shoots now!
It is true what they say about boudoir, that a boudoir experience is something that everyone should experience at least once in their life, but it definitely gets more and more fun the more you do it!
Mr. D has a wardrobe, or shall I say closet full of the all underwear he has been collecting over the years, and what a great way to remember your collection then to get some boudoir photos taken in them.
It’s hard to say how many pairs he truly has, but I am going to guess in the 500s! Here’s a nice collection of some of the shots that we did for Mr. D last year.
Can’t wait to have him back for round 3 in 2022!

Anonymous Boudoir Photos with Miss A - Pink Blush Boudoir Edmonton
Boudoir can be whatever you want it to be! That is why I love this genre of photography, it is so versatile with what you can wear , what style of lighting, and the poses you can do.
Boudoir can be whatever you want it to be! That is why I love this genre of photography, it is so versatile with what you can wear , what style of lighting, and the poses you can do. We get a lot of women who come to us looking for discretion as well, who are in need of photos that don’t reveal who they are, are might not care to have their face in the photos.
We will shoot to whatever you are looking for, so if you have a specific request or idea, let us know, we are happy to help.
In the meantime, check out the ever fabulous Miss A on the blog today, lots of outfit ideas and poses to take a look at. We even did some cool shots in the shower at the end, I just love doing artistic body shots in our shower set. Let us know what you think!

Bridal Boudoir Photos with Miss S - Pink Blush Boudoir Edmonton
Bridal Boudoir is the perfect gift and keepsake for yourself and that special someone in your life.
Bridal Boudoir is the perfect gift and keepsake for yourself and that special someone in your life. Miss S themed her whole session around her upcoming wedding. All of her outfits were bought from Etsy, and honestly I am here for it! They are all perfectly bridal themed, soft pinks and whites look fabulous on this babe as well.
If you are doing a bridal themed shoot, bringing your wedding day accessories is also another great idea of adding in some glam to your shoot but keeping it authentic to how you will look on the day of. Check out her super cute wedding shoes. Another note, is to make sure you have your wedding ring on as well for the shoot, as we like to do some detail shots of your hands, to show off that fabulous ring they bought you.

Boudoir Outfit Ideas with Miss N - Pink Blush Boudoir Edmonton
What to wear, what to wear! The ever famous questions, what should I wear to my boudoir shoot? The sky is the limit when it comes to boudoir, there is not a whole lot you can’t do, but if you are struggling for some ideas of what you should bring to your next boudoir experience with Pink Blush Boudoir, here are some great ideas for you.
What to wear, what to wear! The ever famous questions, what should I wear to my boudoir shoot? The sky is the limit when it comes to boudoir, there is not a whole lot you can’t do, but if you are struggling for some ideas of what you should bring to your next boudoir experience with Pink Blush Boudoir, here are some great ideas for you.
Bra and panty sets are fabulous, and I find matching is best. This beautiful royal blue floral set is actually available in our client closet in a size medium. Miss N loved this piece and chose to compliment it with the other outfits she brought with her.
Topless with panties is another fan favourite that a lot of woman like trying, it’s so simple, and most women usually have a pair of panties that they absolutely love. Throw in some shoes or jewellery and it can add that extra something to your shoot.
Nude boudoir photos is becoming more and more common. And there are so many ways you can play with being naked. You can choose to do some more covered shots with the white sheet, or perhaps add in some body jewellery and heels to give you more of a sexy vibe (the black body jewellery you see here is available in our client closet and is custom piece made by our very own Sarina Rose). Opting in to add some thigh high socks is also a cute addition to your photos, and then simply doing your nude boudoir boudoirs as is another great idea.
Lastly she brought this amazing green corset with her to the shoot. Adding stockings like Miss N did to your outfit will give you that extra glam feel, and we even chose to do some artistic shots with a wine glass too.
Take a peak at all her outfits below and let us know what you think!