Embrace The Allure of Medusa: A Spooky Snake Boudoir Experience Edmonton Photography

Unleash your inner seductress with a Medusa-themed boudoir session featuring real snakes. Discover the history of Medusa's alluring power to captivate and the empowering experience of channeling her essence. Embrace the enchantment of this spooky snake boudoir shoot and indulge in the symbolism of transformation and sensuality. Join us on a bewitching journey to celebrate self-expression and radiate confidence. Embark on a sensual adventure with our Medusa-inspired boudoir blog post.

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Mom is still sexy } Boudoir Photography Studio Calgary

We always have women warning us before they come for a shoot that they have had children as if that’s something we need to be warned about. Certainly, after babies, our bodies don’t all bounce back the same but that doesn’t mean we aren’t still beautiful and that we can’t be sexy anymore. Being a mom is a gift, and the stretch marks, loose skin, and boobs that lack their once perky form are all part of that gift. Our sexual identity is something that lays deep within us, it’s not on the surface of our skin. Becoming a mom doesn’t mean you get put into a new category of I’m no longer sexually desirable, in fact, it should be the complete opposite and I hope through my work as a boudoir photographer I can help to shift that mentality.

When I think of women who are moms I think loving, warm, strong, giving, resilient, wild, natural, beautiful and sexy. Becoming a mom only adds to the qualities of your womanhood, it’s not meant to take them away from you. Here are some photos of a hot mom who has dedicated her self to helping women connect with their sexy through the art of pole dance. Miss C is an inspiration to moms everywhere.

Boudoir After Babies } Edmonton Boudoir Pink Blush

I don't think it is ever easy for a woman to take her clothes off in front of a complete stranger with a camera, but its certainly not any easier after having a baby or a few of them. After a baby our bodies may never be the same but we can still love and appreciate them. Recently we had Miss K in the studio to help redefine her sexy. Here is what she had to say about her experience with us. 

"Where to begin, this past year has been quite the journey for me. From being a mother of two, forging through some rocky marital waters I really needed something to remind myself just how special I was. Often caught up on the downsides of my body (because lets face it, we are our worse critics) I never took the time to appreciate just how beautiful it still is. In attempts to remind myself I decided to do something “taboo” something out of the ordinary for me, something my friends and family were shocked that I was even considering. Wanting to shed the “good girl” image and embrace the sexy side of myself and own and respect my body I stumbled across pink blush. I was in love with what I saw and booked a consult, not only was I instantly comfortable with Sarina, I knew I had made the right choice. Her professionalism, her compassion and her out right talent was apparent. But the fact that they have shot woman during all walks of life and provided a product for woman, made it clear Pink Blush was the right choice. Rather than over editing they take the time to really shoot you in a light that best flaunts your assets (both figuratively and literally). This gave me the opportunity to not just love the photo (because it was real, not over edited fake magazine cover; not really me or ever will be me type photo) and showed me a reflection I often over look while looking in the mirror. Thank you for helping me learn to love myself. I whole heartedly recommend Pink Blush to every woman! This is truly the best gift you could ever give to yourself.
Sarina is knowledgeable in her art, respectful, kind and extremely patient especially if your nervous and have no clue what to do. She helps guide you and by the end I felt so comfortable. It was an absolute blast and I cannot wait to do it again! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Five plus stars!"

Edmonton Boudoir } Pink Blush Boudoir Edmonton YEG

Finally Friday is here. I hope you all have something that feeds your soul planned for the weekend. Tomorrow Calie and I will be busy with client shoots. Sunday I have a bridal style shoot set up with the lovely Gillian Rae. It will be cold so we booked a hot yoga class at Bliss yoga to warm us up after. 

Here is a little more from the beautiful Miss M

Because Your Worth It | Edmonton Boudoir Photography

I have so many women tell me they really want to do a boudoir session, but they just aren't ready to book. Weather it's feeling self-conscious about their body or maybe they don't have any one to give the images too it always seems there is something holding them back. I truly believe every woman should try Boudoir at some point in their life, and I think the best time can be when your not feeling great about yourself. Weather it's because of how your feeling about your body after having a baby, or maybe a breakup, we all have those times when we need a pick me up simply because your worth it.