Photo Permission Questions } Pink Blush Boudoir YEG

One of the more common things women always ask us before booking their shoot is whether or not they have to give us permission to use their images. The answer is NO, the choice is completely up to you!

We would never post anything on our blog, website, Facebook, Instagram, etc. without your permission.  After the completion of your shoot, there is a form that you will fill out either saying yes or no to giving us permission to using your pictures.  You can even decide if you want to give us permission to use all your photos or just certain ones.  

Boudoir at any age } Pink Blush Boudoir Edmonton

More often then you think we get women messaging in asking us if we photograph women who are of a certain age or maybe a certain size.  We photograph women of any size, age, etc. We are in the business of making ALL WOMEN feel beautiful, regardless of how old you might be or what size pants you wear, it doesn't matter to us.  Our favourite thing is to photograph women of different demographics, nothing keeps us growing as a business, photographer, or people like getting to meet all these fabulous women and putting our creative minds to work.