Five Curvy And Fabulous Women To Follow On IG

Our recent blog post, Curvy is the New Black, was so popular that we decided to find some fabulous plus size models on Instagram to follow. Now, that being said, this is by no means a "real women" campaign, because we believe real women come in all different sizes; slim, athletic, curvy, short and tall. We just think that these women have embraced who they are and rock it! They have great style and are all beautiful in their own unique way. Your Instagram feed is about to get a lot more exciting with these ladies around!

isabel_Hendrix-edmonton boudoir-curvy and fabulous-photographers


plus size models-edmonton boudoir-yeg-photography-sherwood park-6


damn dandy-edmonton boudoir-curvy and fabulous-photographers


tess holliday-edmonton boudoir-curvy and fabulous-photographers


Olivia-Campbell-edmonton boudoir-curvy and fabulous-photographers


XO Calie & Sarina


Curvy Women in Boudoir - Pink Blush


Pink Blush Reviews