Miss T - Boudoir & Boosting Confidence } Pink Blush YEG
Boosting confidence
We get a lot of women who come to us who maybe don’t see themselves in the same light as they should. Maybe they don’t feel pretty or sexy, but that is the amazing thing about a boudoir shoot, is that it can get you in touch with your sexy side and really give you that confidence boost you are looking for.
Majority of women who get a boudoir shoot see themselves in a more positive and loving light after the completion of their shoot. And when they get to see their images afterwards, they are very pleasantly surprised. We get a lot of “That’s me???” remarks!
Here is a little comment from Miss T’s husband about her photos that he got for his birthday:
"My wife Tanya surprised me with photos from a recent shoot with you for my 45th Birthday at the beginning of September. This was such a surprise as Tanya has always had self image issues; I myself know I see her as beautiful and that I was batting out of my league when I met her. The photos are outstanding... thank you for helping Tanya to see how gorgeous she is everyday too me."