Best Boudoir Studio Edmonton ] Pink Blush Boudoir

With over 10 years of experience and countless women in front of our camera lens, we link to think we can offer you one of the best boudoir experiences in Edmonton. Calie and I have dedicated our live to helping women see their beauty no matter your age, shape, or size. We offer a full service studio including in house hair and makeup and editing. Our studio has multiple shoot rooms and a fully loaded client closet.

To lear more about us and what we have to offer, you can book a complimentary in studio consultation. At your consultations you can try on outfits from out client closet, see all of our set options, and go over every detail of your shoot from start to finish. It’s the perfect way to see if we are the right studio for you.

We have every confidence that we make your boudoir dreams come true. Here are some lovely images form Miss C’s second shoot with us.


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