What to Expect When You Shoot With Us - Boudoir Edmonton

What to expect when you do a shoot with us.

Before your shoot day we love to get clients into our studio to meet with us and go over all the details with your shoot.

This gives us the opportunity to get to know you on a more personal level. To find out why you are personally doing a boudoir shoot and what you hope to get out of the experience. Consultations are also a wonderful way for you to get to know us, have all your questions asked. and have some of your nurse put at ease.

Our studio offers so many options as far as sets, accessories, a client closet. All the things to make your shoot unique to your style and personality.

We offer in studio image previews with your photographer the same day as your shoot. This means fewer trips to the studio, a full day of pampering. and the best part, no waiting to see how awesome your photos are.

Calie and I have created a stress free, all inclusive environment. A safe space for you to express yourself and enjoy your experience. Our goal is to pamper you like a queen while you are here, boost up yourself confidence and have you walking on air when you leave.

These are just a few of the things are has to offer you.

Tell us, what are you looking for in a boudoir photographer?


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