The Transformation of Miss Bruni } Pink Blush Boudoir Edmonton Photography
Over the years of being in the business of boudoir I have had the opportunity to photography many women who are documenting a weight loss journey, and in this case Miss Smith’s transformation included an impressive amount of personal growth. It truly is amazing what a person can achieve with hard work, dedication and real honesty with themselves. I was so excited to photograph Miss Bruni for the 3rd time this year and show her how much she has grown in confidence and sexuality. The physical changes are noticeable too, but sometimes they aren’t the most relevant. Her is what she had to say about her experience and journey.
“For me, this photoshoot was a magical experience. My life and my body have changed drastically over the last year. I have focused on health and my body has transformed after hours in the gym lifting weights and changes to my diet. My personal life changed radically as well in that time. I have embraced and incorporated my true energy and aura about me that includes a whole lot of fire and sexuality.
I began this exploration a year ago when Sarina captured me then. I was just coming into my own confidence and body after 2 children and ending a long marriage.
The experience of this shoot is a culmination of the changes I have made and embracing that sensual fire. Sarina was able to capture both my new inner essence and the difference in my body to fully express the woman I continue to become. One full of passion, light, and femininity. She made me comfortable, made me laugh, and made me smolder when I needed to. The resulting pictures are breathtaking. I am grateful to her for continuing to document my journey and to shoot the most beautiful pictures that have ever been taken of me.” Miss Bruni